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Workshop for Odissi Dance Students

Kalajyoti believes that Intense residential workshops under revered Gurus with a theme or concept can certainly stimulate and nourish the creative quest of the disciples.

Regular Yearly Workshop – Open to all students

Yearly workshop is organized in the last week of  December conducted by visiting Gurus in the field of Odissi Dance, Classical Vocal, Mardala, Folk Dance, Abhinaya,understanding Sanskrit text in relation to Geet Givindam and Slokas.

Group 1 – Age Group from 10 to 15 years

Group 2 – Age Group from 16 to no upper limit.

Advanced Workshop – For Senior deciples of Odissi Dance

15 Days duration – Twice a year

Intense instructional sessions in the technical aspects, abhinaya, traditional compositions and those composed by Guru Monalisa Ghosh. New compositions created for Dance productions based on thematic concepts and research-based compositions aimed at revival of lost traditions. In the past few years, compositions on works of great saint-poets, Sanskrit poets, poets of oriya, Tagore, Michael Madhusudhan Dutt, etc.  have been taught to senior disciples. Intense study of compositions of Mardala  also are conducted that is incorporated in the training modules of the Odissi dance form.